Ship Packages to:
John Doe
Medley, FL 33166-2561
Next Flight to {country}:
John Doe
6854 NW 75th St Bay 4
Last Update:
ETA: {date}
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Once the AWB and bag(s) of cargo are received at your location.
Follow these steps:
Ensure all duties and taxes in the manifest page
Save the values.
Select "Finalize Invoice" for each package or "Finalize All" if all are ready to be finalized.
Select "Receive Packages" and scan or enter the barcodes on all the boxes.
Once the packages are scanned, based on whether the customer requested pickup or delivery, either the customer will come to pick up the box or a delivery driver.
Whichever shows up, select their respective button and scan or enter the barcodes on all of their boxes.